Tools And Activities To Use In Your Classroom To Teach Children About Conflict Resolution

23 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Conflict resolution is now a primary component in core education in many classroom settings and is by all rights an important topic for children to become familiar with because it teaches young and growing minds how to resolve conflict in healthy ways. However, learning how to resolve conflict merely from a teacher or adult telling them how it is done is not always the easiest thing for a child to do. It is a much better idea to take a hands-on approach to this important concept. Take a look at these creative tools and ideas you can use as an educator to teach young children about conflict resolution. 

Create basic skits to act out specific conflicts between students. 

Coming up with small skits that mimic common interactions between students is a good way to help kids better understand certain scenarios and conflicts. You can come up with skits to act out on your own or find a conflict resolution book geared toward the specific age group and create skits based off of the conflicts given in the reading material. Kids will enjoy the diversity of this activity in the classroom, but will also garner a great deal of information through the process of acting out problems and their solutions. 

Allow children to create their own conflict resolution stories. 

Pick a set number of conflicts that can come into play between children and give each child a conflict to work with written on a piece of paper. Allow the classroom to use construction paper, markers, and other art supplies to create their own story about the conflict they are given. Make sure students are given the instructions to include a resolution to the conflict between the characters in their personal story line. Kids will have a good time coming up with what they believe to be resolutions to the problem they are given. 

Use kits with dolls and stories to offer a better understanding. 

You can usually find kits with dolls and stories at just about any educational books and supply store and finding these kits related to conflict resolution is pretty easy. These kits offer children the advantage of learning about resolving conflicts between characters in a story format, but also seeing the story acted out with the included doll or dolls and sometimes even props and added accessories. The visual accompaniment of these things can give children a better understanding of interaction between characters. For more information, talk to a professional like Dew Drop Dolls & Stories, LLC.
